Welcome to Myers Park Softball
Our league has offered softball since 1973 and strives to provide girls the best developmental softball program in Charlotte. MPTLL provides co-ed T-Ball and Coach Pitch for all Little Leaguers ages 4-6 and girls softball leagues ranging from ages 7 to 16.
We play ASA & NC High School rules with some modification for the younger ages. There are two Softball seasons including Spring and Fall. Our Softball League is associated with the CharMeck Girls Softball Association, comprised of more than 100 teams from south Mecklenburg County and parts of Union County. Game schedules typically include one weeknight and one Saturday game; all scheduled with traveling distances considered, especially for weeknight games.
Myers Park Softball home games are played at Randolph Park with practices held at Randolph Park and other nearby fields.
Myers Park Softball is excited to offer our girls Spring and Fall seasons with additional opportunities to experience tournament play including Challenge Softball and End of Season Tournaments. If there is sufficient interest and opportunity, Myers Park Softball also competes in Spring end of season All-Star tournaments.
MP Softball Coaches
While all of our coaches are dedicated volunteers, we are committed to supporting and developing coaching talent including many former softball players. Our current and past coaching line up has included former Myers Park softball players, moms and other volunteers who have played fastpitch softball around the country including collegiate experience. Our dads also deserve recognition offering both firsthand baseball experience and coaching youth sports in general. These extraordinary and dedicated people create a second to none experience for our girls. If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to our Softball Coordinator.
All-Star Softball
At the end of the Spring season, All-Star teams are selected through regular season coach nominations. The All-Star team will compete in the CharMeck All Star tournament which is an exciting experience for each league to form their best teams and compete in a two weeklong tournament of champions. This is yet another opportunity for our younger girls to be exposed to tournament style play, without the stress of prolonged travel and advanced rules young players may not yet be ready to experience.
Team Formation
After registration, all players are required to attend an on-field evaluation. Coaches will assemble teams with the goal of forming balanced rosters at all ages.
Myers Park Challenge Softball
If there is sufficient interest, Myers Park participates in the CharMeck Challenge Softball Program for all age groups. The mission of CharMeck Challenge Softball is to introduce competitive play to its rec players as an enhancement to rec play without the commitment and expense of a full-time travel program. The focus will be primarily on providing a fun and exciting experience for all interested players. During the Spring season, there can be up to three scheduled one day tournaments. Be sure to check the CharMeck schedule for those specific dates each year.
All CharMeck leagues will work to field teams in all age groups from 8U to 16U. If Myers Park does not have enough qualified players to field a complete team, we will submit interested players to the Metro team pool for consideration. There will be a separate evaluation for the Metro team. It is expected that each player’s commitment will be for the full tournament schedule and a practice once/week in addition to their normal rec team schedule. If your daughter is selected to a softball challenge team, there will be an additional cost which will be communicated at a later date.
CharMeck Girls Softball AssociationWhile registration and other information for MP Softball are located on our website, most of the in-season details (playing rules, teams, fields, standings, etc.) are maintained by CharMeck Girls Softball Association. Please visit their site for more information.
For more information on anything related to softball, please contact the MPTLL Softball Coordinator.