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Little League Resources
The Little League website is a great place to find instructional guides, tutorials and videos for all ages and levels of play (t-ball, baseball and softball).  Coaches are encouraged to utilize the links below to assist in season-long practice and game preparation:   

Little League University - The primary entry point for all instructional and educational content, including player safety, rules interpretations and backyard coaching tips for parents/coaches.

T-Ball Program - The Little League T-Ball Curriculum is a valuable tool for new and experienced coaches.  The program includes
numerous videos and a 10-week guide with detailed practice plans and drills covering every aspect of the game.

Coach Pitch Program - The Little League Coach Pitch Program is a 12-week guide that will keep practices fun and efficient, while helping build a solid foundation for every player.   Coaches of all skill levels can benefit from the guidance provided in the Coach Pitch Program.

Softball - Little League University has numerous softball-specific instructional videos and articles 

Little League Rules - Please visit the Rules, Regulations and Policies page for specific questions

Little League Rulebook App
- A valuable resource for regular season and all-star managers

Other Resources
The MPTLL Local Rules are modifications to the Official Rules and govern play in our baseball divisions.

MPTLL also has significant league-specific information that is distributed prior to the beginning of each season at the mandatory coaches' meetings or via an alternative communication.

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